Google Sheets – Line Graph Starting at Y-Axis

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-charts

Really simple question that's driving me nuts for a while. How do I get my line graph in Google Sheets to begin at the Y axis – i.e. so there isn't a gap before the January 2020 date?

I've been looking for a while and can't find the answer.

enter image description here

UpdateHere's a sample of the data:

enter image description here

Best Answer

There's a good chance the data in the horizontal axis are not well formated, especially when it comes to dates.

  1. If datas inside the horizontal axis are texts (ex : 'Feb 2020 instead of Feb 2020)
    -> try to check Maximise inside the chart editor enter image description here

  2. If the datas are the date type of format

    • You can try to refactor theses dates with the first day of each month (with something like =eomonth(startdate , 1)-1
    • Or check the number of gridlines for the horizontal axis. enter image description here