Google Sheets – Transfer Ownership of Shared Files Across Domains

google sheetssharing

I'm helping my daughter with her project and started an example of how to create a table using Google Sheets, which I shared with her. She continued on with it but now I want to remove it from my Google Drive and let her have it permanently.

Is there a built-in way to do that?

Something like I release my ownership to her and then I remove the file entry in my Drive but she now owns the file?

Or does she have to download the file and upload it to her account to make it permanently hers?


I can't transfer ownership, but if the file is shared and I remove the file from my Drive, on the other user's "Drive", they will get a message stating the owner deleted the shared file, it will soon be gone and to make a copy. A button to copy is provided.

If you are on the same domain, the information at the link works fine. I tested that.

Best Answer

Google does not like to transfer ownership between domains. Without domains or within the same domain you could transfer without issue.

You can publish the document and append /copy to the shared file URL that will prompt the user to copy it to their drive regardless of domain.

So a URL like
