Google-sheets – Google Forms submitting to Google Sheets – Creating a “Dashboard”

google sheetsgoogle-forms

I currently have a task request Google Forms submitting tasks into a Google Sheets. I'd like to use that sheet as a database for a 'Front End' that allows me to select a status for a project (this would be a new field).

Is this possible to do right in a tab on the same sheet?

Or would it be better to do through HTML/API combo?

Best Answer

You can absolutely create a new tab. I just created an example setup for something like this here

I use a new sheet (Sheet2) that contains extra fields as well as the original data imported through a =query statement in Task2!B1

The query is very simple: =query('Form Responses 1'!A1:Z, "select A,B") - add more than A,B if you are adding more columns (and if you're adding way more columns, you will probably want to replace Z with something larger.)

It is possible you could even insert the extra column directly in the Form Responses sheet; I've not tried what happens if you add columns there.