Google-sheets – Google Sheet Query smarter way to get multiple criteria

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-apps-scriptgoogle-sheets-queryregex

I use a spreadsheet where I want a list of items which contains multiple criteria.
(I need all cells in a range which contains the letter 'a – g'

The formula I use now is

=query(Planning!G5:G37;  "select * where G contains 'a' or G contains 'b' or G contains 'c'   or ............  " )

What I want is the query get the criteria out of a list or an array, but I couldn't figure out how to do this.

Best Answer

  • you can use regex if you do it like this:

    =QUERY(Planning!G5:G37, "where G matches '[a-g]'", 0)

    =QUERY(Planning!G5:G37, "where G matches 'a|b|c|d|e|f|g'", 0)


  • to mimic contains do:

    =QUERY(G5:G37, "where G matches '[a-g]*|.*[a-g]'", 0)
