Google-sheets – Google Sheets API call creates scientific numbers that I cannot then run calculations on

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I am using API in Google Sheets to call prices of cryptocurrencies vrs Bitcoin
from URL:

In some cases I am getting scientific notation instead of the x.xxxxxxxx number value. (e.g. Verge coin price (in bitcoin) is currently pulling in 9.4e-7 instead of 0.00000094)

I cannot then do any formula work on the imported data because it is not converting back to the number, and I have so far found no way to convert it or stop it being imported as a scientific number.

I have tried formatting the import cells to text, but that still pulls the scientific number in from the API call (I have contacted coinpaprika support to see if they know a way around it).

What I need is a way to convert that scientific number into x.xxxxxxxx number format so that I can then use it in a formula to calculate the value (in bitcoin) of my holdings in a particular cryptocurrency.

Best Answer

I found the problem, and the solution.

ImportJSON is calling the API using the function ImportJSON(url, query, parseOptions) from a script. It seems this was automatically truncating the pulled data. So I added the parseOption to stop it truncating the numbers, and it needed the NoInherit option as well in order to work on my sheet.


Changing that in the script now pulls bitcoin price in the format x.xxxxxxxx instead of scientific notation, and I can now use it for calcuations in the Google Sheet.