Google-sheets – Google Sheets automatically converts a string to a number

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I am using Sheets as a front end to view tons of different IDs and credentials associated with my authenticated access to a 3rd party API.

When calling this function,

I get this result:


When passed into Google Sheets, even when converting this number to a string result in the functions that produce the results beforehand, (and I can assure you that it is a plain text string,) I get this result in google sheets:


Not only is it interpreting the plain text as a number, but also rounding the number. Note that I have tried =TO_TEXT in the cell, =TEXT in the cell, and tried many different formatting options for numbers to at least not allow it to round it, but as I've gleaned from other sources, Google Sheets will only use up to 15 characters in numbers until it rounds.

Also, I had the ability to simply put the data into a cell as plain text from this exact same function before, but after clearing the content of these cells, they no longer produce the number as it appears in the result of this particular function. In other words, I know this is possible because I've done it before with the exact same inputs in the exact same sheet.

Nonetheless, I need 1 of two results to preserve the integrity of these IDs:

  • Sheets doesn't round this number

  • Sheets doesn't interpret plain text as a number

The second is much preferable to the first, but I will result in the first if necessary.

Any clue as to what's going on?

Best Answer

  • the upper limit for a number in Google Sheets is ~15 digits - everything after that gets rounded. you can test it with a simple formula:

    =TRUNC (RAND() * (9999999999999999999 - 1) + 1)

    and notice that Google Sheets will rewrite it to:

    =TRUNC (RAND() * (9999999999999990000 - 1) + 1)

    therefore your issue needs to be treated on script level before it comes to the sheet so it would return text string and avoid further rounding