Google-sheets – Google Sheets: Can I copy the CheckBox display from a sheet to another =QUERY subset of a sheet

google sheets

Can I copy the CheckBox display from a sheet to another.

Image tab 'a-sheet' columns B & C where formatted as checkboxes (Menu > Insert > Checkbox)
Can a new

=QUERY('a-sheet'!A1:ZZ999,"SELECT A, B, C",1)

I have found that you can do (Menu > Insert > Checkbox) on an individual result, but not the whole set of =QUERY results.

Best Answer

There may be many ways to answer this question. Please consider this as just one solution.

Create a filter

  • Select the data columns, then from the menu select: Data > Create a filter. The filter icon will appear in the header of each column.

Select the "true" values

  • Click the filter icon for Column A, and select only "True" values, then click "OK".

Copy and Paste the data

  • Select the range of "True" values, including the headers. Select from the menu: Edit>Copy.
  • Select the cell where the data is to be copied (on the same sheet or another sheet). Select from the menu: Edit> Paste.

Note that only the header and rows containing the "checked" checkboxes are copied.

Create a filter

Create a filter

Select the "true" values

Select the "true" values

True values

True values

The copied data

The copied data