Google-sheets – google sheets checkbox conditional formatting

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I have a schedule where I use inspector name, job number and then checkboxes to book the inspector on the visit date

enter image description here

What I'm looking to do is if an inspector is booked in a job on lets say jan 3rd and then in another job also in jan 3rd then fill the cells (Inspector name, job and date checked) in yellow then, if an inspector is booked for 3 jobs on the same day fill the cells (Inspector name, job and date checked) in red


enter image description here

If someone can help me to figure out a conditional format formula for this it would be much appreciated

Best Answer

The default values for checkboxes are TRUE and FALSE. If your checkboxes use the default values, the conditional formatting custom formula should look this way:


In the context of the conditional formatting feature of Google Sheets that means apply the conditional formatting when the value of A4 is true. Instead of A4 you should use as reference the cell address of the top-left cell cell of the range with the checkboxes for be formatted.

Please note that A4 is a relative reference.
