Google-sheets – Google Sheets: Conditional Coloring Based on Slope Increase (Acceleration)

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

In Google Sheets, how do you conditionally color cells based on whether the cell's value is accelerating or decelerating?

For example, in the image below, I created four columns: the time, distance, speed, and acceleration. The acceleration is just the second derivative of the distance. How would I conditionally color the background of the distance column based on the acceleration column in Google sheets? I would not like to create separate columns for speed and acceleration, instead, just relying on the distance column itself.

distance, speed, acceleartion

Best Answer

Use the Format > Conditional Formatting tool.

First, select a cell in the distance column. We want this to be red or green based on the corresponding acceleration value in the same row.

You want to use a custom formula (bottom option) and then make it read =Dx>0 See the recreation I have done. You will need to do this for each value in distance.
