Google Sheets – Count Consecutive Dates

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-dates

I have a Google Sheet with a list of dates & times like this:

10/24/2019 4:25:00
10/29/2019 4:33:22
10/30/2019 4:33:11
10/31/2019 4:24:11
11/1/2019 4:36:11
11/2/2019 5:21:37
11/4/2019 5:30:20
11/6/2019 5:21:28
11/7/2019 5:27:07
11/8/2019 5:22:34
11/10/2019 8:51:13
11/11/2019 5:26:27
11/11/2019 11:41:27
11/12/2019 5:27:49
11/13/2019 5:30:34

I am looking for a way to figure out the longest "streak" of consecutive dates where there was at least one entry. The data can be unsorted or sorted.

Best Answer

Solution without google app scripts

1) sort your unique dates

=arrayformula(query(unique(datevalue(A:A)),"select * where Col1 is not null"))

2) mark the days that are streak days with a 1


3) count the streaks


Note: in my example column A is the original dates, column F is my sorted dates, column G is my streak marker. You can also combine step 2 and 3 into one bigger formula =arrayformula(frequency(if(if(F:F="","",{0;if(F2:F-F1:F=1,1,0)}),sequence(rows(if(F:F="","",{0;if(F2:F-F1:F=1,1,0)})))),if(not(if(F:F="","",{0;if(F2:F-F1:F=1,1,0)})),sequence(rows(if(F:F="","",{0;if(F2:F-F1:F=1,1,0)}))))))