Google Sheets – Sumif Value in Another Row is a Date

google sheets

I have a table of data that contains labels, and the date that the values next to those labels are summed in one row, and the data itself in subsequent rows like this:

A             B         C
SM         10,291     $3.09
RCOM        5,171    $11.96
ED          4,752     $5.70
RS         31,748    $27.41
AO         50,745     $5.41
06/25/16  102,707    $53.57

I would like to have a master "total" cell that sums only the cells that contain totals. So in English – "Sum B if A is not text".

I found the isnontext() function, and I know about sumif(), but I can't quite figure out how to make this work. Hopefully that's clear and someone can point me in the right direction.

Best Answer



was adequate. There is no numeric value for text entries in a formula such as above, so they are ignored and only all the numeric ones need be 'captured', if the alternative to Text is only Date.