Google-sheets – Google Sheets IF and 2 x ANDS

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformula

I have three columns in my google sheet.

COL A – will hold an invoice number (text field) or be empty
COL B – will display the word EXEPNSE
COL C – this will be my formula column

I need to detect if column A contains anything and that column B contains the word expenses.

If COL A is blank AND COL B has the word EXPENSE show the word ISSUE in COL C otherwise just blank field.

This is what I have so far in Col C but am spinning my wheels.

=iferror(if(F9 = "EXPENSE",""),if(AND(isblank(E9),"ISSUE", "")))

Best Answer



for one cell/row evaluation paste in C2 and drag down:

=IF((A2="")*(B2="EXPENSE"), "ISSUE", )

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