Google-sheets – Google Sheets Sumif Formula Parse Error

formulasgoogle sheets

I’m trying to enter a simple =sumif formula and keep getting the dreaded formula parse error or result is 0

Reading other responses, I did try replacing , with ; and still the same error

In trying to tally headcount if RSVP = Y, I’ve tried:

=sumif(A1:A30,Y,B1:B30) result is 0

=sumif(A1:A30,”Y”,B1:B30) result is formula parse error

=sumif(A1:A30;Y;B1:B30) result is 0 and when I check formula again, the ; are changed to ,

=sumif(A1:A30;”Y”;B1:B30) result is a formula parse error and the ; remain ,

I’ve formatted the responses column so Y is plain text and have also tried automatic formatting, no change in results.

I feel like I’m missing something obvious but unsure what. Would appreciate any guidance.

Best Answer

instead of ” ” you need to use " "

try: =SUMIF(A1:A30, "Y", B1:B30)

enter image description here

regarding American , vs. European ;...

you are using American version of syntax so all ; are auto-converted to ,