Google Sheets – Apply Same Function Throughout Column

google sheets

I have three columns. Two columns have values in them. In the third column I want to have each row be a percentage of the other two values in that row (ex. =N2/L2).

How can I have this third column always have the values of the numbers in that row?

The next row in this sequence would be =N3/L3, then =N4/L4. I want the values to be in the corresponding row.

Best Answer

To copy a formula from one cell to more cells within the same column (or row) and have the references change to match the appropriate cell, simply use the "auto-fill" tool. Click the cell you want to copy. In the lower right corner should be a square. Simply drag that handle to populate however many cells you need. Each reference to another cell in your formula will be incremented to match.

Google Support: Auto-fill