Google Sheets – IMPORTXML Problem Extracting from Web Page

google sheetsimportxmlxmlxpath

I'm trying to extract the "Comestibilité" and "Remarques" parts from a page using IMPORTXML in my Google Spreadsheet but I just can't get to them, they are generated by JavaScript but I cannot figure out how get those tags in IMPORTXML results. Any idea how?

I read many posts and tried :

 =IMPORTXML("", "//*")
 =IMPORTXML("", "//script")

But even if I get many results, I do not get the tags I'm looking for !!?

I also tried:

 =IMPORTXML("", "//*[@id='Comestibilité']")

Wich returns no result.

Best Answer

Google Sheets built-in funcion IMPORTXML can't access tags created by JavaScript. You could ask for a software recommendation on or look for related web scrapping programming questions on
