Google-sheets – Google Spreadsheet, partial formatting using formula in cell

google sheets

I'm using Google Spreadsheet to make some calculations.

At the bottom of my table I need SUM, AVG and some others and everything is fine.

But I made a long cell with all the text, like this:

="Hi at all, this is my report: "&SUM(B:B)&" are the sum of my fingers, "&AVG(C:C)&" is the avg of my sons."

and so on.

Everything works. But I need to bold the SUM(B:B).

I won't use single cells for math results.

I tried with …."&SUM(B:B)&"…. but obviously I get in my cell and not the bold font weight.

How to style from formula in cell?

Best Answer

Partial formatting of cell content is a recent addition to Google Sheets, and it not really integrated with the rest of spreadsheet logic. The only thing you can format in this way is a string entered directly into a cell, as some text here. Using any kind of formula, even the simplest ="some text here", is incompatible with partial formatting.