Google-sheets – Google Spreadsheets refuses to leave out commas

google sheets

On the spreadsheet in question there is a column that contains plain numbers in a particular sequence. As an example: 3040513, 3050513, 3060513 etc.

Sometimes when typing in the next sequenced number it will automatically add commas, so the number comes out as 3,050,513. It also does this if I highlight a row of numbers above to use as a "guide" to add numbers automatically to rows below.

I have tried to set the column format as plain text and as no decimals to no avail. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Are you sure Plain Text didn't do the trick? In my spreadsheet, it worked.

  1. Highlight the cells
  2. Click FormatNumberPlain Text

Here's a reference, saying the same thing with more words: Remove Commas.