Google-sheets – Have a new Google form be started linked to an existing spreadsheet

google sheetsgoogle-forms

My problem:

I want to create a new form and have it automatically linked to an existing spreadsheet.

It can create a new sheet on the existing spreadsheet, but the linking step should be automatic.

Unfortunately, it seems that a copy of a form does not auto-link to the same spreadsheet as the original form, but if there is a solution based on copying forms rather than creating, that works as well.

Best Answer

To automatically link a new form to an existing spreadsheet, create the form from the spreadsheet rather than from

  1. Open the spreadsheet
  2. Click the Tools menu then Create a Form

Note: This method allows to add multiple forms to a spreadsheet the same way that it's possible to send the responses from the form editor to an existing spreadsheet even if that spreadsheet already have linked a form.