Google-sheets – How to add a string to the start and end of a cell

google sheets

I have lots of cells that contain unique text.

I'd like to add a <p> to the start of the cell and a </p> to the end of the string in the cell.

Turning this:
Here is some text I've written. It's different in each cell.
into this:
<p>Here is some text I've written. It's different in each cell.</p>

I've tried =CONCATENATE("<p>",A1) but can't find a way to add something to the end of the cell as well?

Best Answer

You can just add another parameter to your CONCATENATE:

=CONCATENATE("<p>", A1, "</p>")

(you might have to use ; instead of , depending on your locale) See documentation

This can be shortened to

="<p>" & A1 & "</p>"

since & is the string concatenation operator.