Adding Durations in Google Sheets – How to Sum Time in a Single Cell

google sheets

I would like to numbers formatted as 'durations' together using a formula in a Google Sheets cell. If it was two numbers it would be very simple…

=1+2 would show as 3

but if I do this…

=00:10:00+0:20:00, I get an #error

I've tried =(00:10:00)+(0:20:00) and =DURATION(00:10:00)+DURATION(00:20:00) but they also come out as #error. Looking around the docs and reference material I can't see how you handle durations in this way.

I know I could have each duration in two different cells and use a third cell to add them together but the way my Sheet is organised this doesn't work for me.

Best Answer


Format the resulting decimal as DURATION