Google-sheets – How to anchor all the cells on the page in Google Spreadsheet

google sheetsgoogle-forms

To anchor cells in a Google spreadsheet so that you can drag the values/cells/formula, with one or more of the linked cells/values remaining constant you can follow these steps:!topic/docs/zFm4W8t3CR4

But how to do it for many rows and columns?

I'm using data from Google Forms in a spreadsheet and every time someone makes a new input, formulas on another sheet change.

Best Answer

Whether or not this is practical may depend on the formulae you are using (which you don’t show) but for something very simple like =Sum(A1:B2) you might switch to View, All formulae and replace ( with ($ and : with :$. Then transpose, repeat the process and transpose back. Otherwise “Search using regular expressions” may help.