Google Sheets – How to Automatically Update a Cell with the Most Recent Entry in the Same Row

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I am trying to have one column that will show the most recent thing i entered in the row. Example: I want B2 to be the same as D2 but once I enter something in E2 I want B2 to display that. And then if I entered something in F3 it would then show in B2 and so on and so fourth. I figured out how to do it with one cell doing a "=index(d2)" and tried something like "=index(D2:L2) for the sequence but it only shows d2 or gets upset and causes errors. I hope that makes sense. It seems simple enough but after researching it I've been unable to find anything. It is mainly text that I am trying to display and not numbers.

Best Answer

The following little script will add each change you make, in the active row, to column B:

function onEdit() {
  var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  var row = sh.getActiveCell().getRowIndex();
  var value = sh.getActiveCell().getValue();
  sh.getRange(row, 2).setValue(value);

See example file I created, you you to play around with: onEdit change

Goto Tools, Script Editor, from the menu and add the script. Make sure to press the two buttons:
enter image description here