Google Sheets – Change Cell Color to Hexadecimal Value in Google Spreadsheets

conditional formattinggoogle sheetsgoogle-apps-script

Based on my data, I calculated values of hexadecimal color codes. I want some cell (I don't care whether it's an empty cell at the end of the row or the same cell) to be the color based on the code.

I don't want to use conditional formatting because it changes to a specific color or color gradient, not a specific hexadecimal value. I also have the RGB values if it is easier with those. This may not even be possible, but it would be really great.

I can change the color of each cell manually, but I will be updating the data which will update the hex value and I want the color to update automatically as well.

Best Answer

Short answer

Use Google Apps Script or a Google Sheets Add-on as there is no built-in feature to set cell background color by color codes.


Google Apps Script is a tool that can be used to extended Google Sheets and other Google apps. It could be used to created add-ons.

There are two class methods that can be used to set the color of a single cell:

  • setBackground(color) : Sets the background color of all cells in the range in CSS notation (like '#ffffff' or 'white').
  • setBackgroundRGB(red, green, blue) : Sets the background to the given RGB color.

Below is an example of a script that sets the color of one cell based on the CSS color the cell at it's left when the value of that cell is edited.

 * Sets the color of adjacent cell on Sheet1 when cells
 * of the column A are edited
function onEdit(e) {
  var range = e.range;
  var sheet = range.getSheet();
  var col = range.getColumn();
  if(sheet != 'Sheet1' && col != 1) return;
  var color = e.value;
  range.offset(0, 1).setBackground(color);

