Google-sheets – How to change Google Spreadsheets to have iso 8601 dates as default

dategoogle sheets

I would love to set my default date-setting to be iso 8601 (relevant xkcd) for all of my Google Spreadsheets. I'm well aware that I can manually change the date-format for a given spreadsheet by:

  1. Selecting the whole sheet, click Format; Number; More formats; 2008-09-26

And it correctly sets the date formatting for that sheet. However, I have to do this for each sheet, and even more annoyingly every new spreadsheet that I create.

My question: How do I set this date format to be my default?

Best Answer

I believe that the only way to achieve this is to set a locale in which this date format is a default one. For example I have it as default because I have Polish locale.

Link to settings: