Google Docs – How to Change User Interface Design

google docsgoogle sheetsgoogle-slidesgoogle-workspace

I have several Google accounts. I noticed that the user interface of G Suite Apps in my new account is different from the one in my old account. Could you please tell whether I can choose it and how I can do it?

Old UI:

old UI

New UI:

new UI

Best Answer

You can't. This change is made by Google. Eventually, it will be all updated to the new design, you just hit the period of "change in progress".

What’s changing:

Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Sites will be getting a new look and feel on the web. While there are no functionality changes, users will notice some visual improvements, including:

  • Interface typography that uses Google’s custom-designed and highly-legible typefaces
  • Controls (like buttons, dialogues, and sidebars) that are updated and consistent
  • Iconography that is legible and crisp, with a fresh feel The four products in this update join other G Suite products like Gmail and Calendar in sharing a common design language.