Google-sheets – How to change the text line height in one cell

formattinggoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-cell-format

I could not find an option in the recent version of Google Sheets to change the text line height (the spacing between lines in a single cell).

You realize the problem even more when exporting the spreadsheet as PDF, the lines are very close to each other which makes it uncomfortable to read.

Summed up, it would be helpful to adjust line heights. I like to give the text lines some spacing to each other (one long line, no splitting of the text over different cells).

Best Answer

Google Sheets doesn't include a setting to customize the text line height.

One workaround is to set vertical align to Middle and change the row height to a size big enough.

Toolbar button vertical align - Middle


  1. When the OP says "lines" they actually are meaning rows.
  2. For multi-line cells, in order to increase the interline spacing, the workarounds are:

    1. Include a the size of one character on each line
    2. Insert a blank line between lines.
