Google-sheets – How to change the values of a pie chart to absolute values instead of percentages in Google Sheets

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I want to be able to change the percentages under each of the fruit names to absolute numbers (the respective quantities). I tried changing the 'slice label' but that only added the numbers over the slices which is not the desired result for this case. The link to the sheet depicted below can be found here. If this is not possible I would be willing to accept getting rid of the percentages all together and leaving just the labels.

Incorrect Pie Chart

Best Answer

As of today's version of Google Sheets (on Dec 6, 2019), we can do this to make the values appear:

  1. Create your pie chart (assuming you know how)
  2. Click in the upper right of the chart, on the 3 dots. "Chart editor" will appear on the right.
  3. Under "Chart editor", there will be "Setup" and "Customize". Click on "Customize"
  4. There should be a selection for "Pie chart". Select that
  5. In "Pie chart", there will be something called "Slice label". The default value is none but change it to "Value"

The raw numbers should appear in the slices of the pie chart.

enter image description here