Google Sheets – How to Combine Formulas in One Conditional Formatting Rule

conditional formattinggoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformula

columns of filter duplicate

I am checking if column S is empty & Column Q="Consultation" then I need to set a rule in a cell to make conditional formatting in cell A1. So these are my steps:

Step 1: in X column: =if(AND($Q$9:$Q="Consultation",$S$9:$S=""),1,0)

Step 2: Y9=SUM(X9:X)

Step 3: A1=Y9 >0 , a rule is applied.(conditional formatting custom formula)

The question is how to combine all of these steps in one Array-formula instead of depending on two results successively .

I tried this
=Arrayformula(sum(if(AND($Q$9:$Q="Consultation",$S$9:$S=""),1,0)>0) but not working and always return a value of 0

I could remove step 3 and make step 2 : A=SUM(X9:X)>0

Best Answer

To one cell A1 only.. it will be highlighted whenever the the formula is true..

What you need is a COUNTIFS formula as your conditional rule for cell A1
