Google Sheets – How to Create a Script for Reporting 26-Week Highs

google sheetsgoogle-apps-scriptgoogle-sheets-query

I'm looking to use GoogleSheets to display ticker symbols and prices in real-time of stocks that have created new 26-week highs, i.e. today's highest trading price is greater than any trading price during the last 26-week period.

I think GoogleSheets's native GOOGLEFINANCE function allows this to be done for a 52-week trailing period (e.g. a formula comparing attributes "high52" against current day's "high"). The GOOGLEFINANCE function doesn't have an attribute for a 26-week period.

Does anyone have a script or template of one I can apply to retrieve a stock's highest traded price over a trailing 26-week period?

Best Answer

I'll describe the process in stages. Here is a command that returns a table with high price on every day within the last 26 weeks:



|       Date        |   High   |
| 2/2/2015 16:00:00 | 533      |
| 2/3/2015 16:00:00 | 533.4    |
| ................. | .......  | 

Since you only want the maximum of these numbers, let's add a QUERY selecting the maximum of the second column:

=QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("GOOG","high",TODAY()-26*7,TODAY()),"select max(Col2)")


| max High |
| 678.64   |

This may be already good enough for your purposes. If you want to get rid of the column header "max High", end the query string with label max(Col2) '':

=QUERY(GOOGLEFINANCE("GOOG","high",TODAY()-26*7,TODAY()),"select max(Col2) label max(Col2) ''")


| 678.64   |