Google-sheets – How to create a map from Google Sheet data that’s in another sheet

google mapsgoogle sheets

I'm trying to create a Google My Map based on addresses in a Google Sheet "file". This seems to work OK following the standard instructions, except that I can't seem to extract data on anything except the first sheet within that file; it doesn't allow me to select columns from another sheet. The steps I am following are:

  • Within my Google Map, select Add layer.

  • Select Import.

  • Select my Google Sheet file from My Drive.

  • I now only see column titles from my first sheet.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this not supported?

Best Answer

Google My Maps will only import data from the first, or leftmost, worksheet in a sheets file.

You can still import multiple worksheets. First, import one worksheet and create a map layer. Then reposition the worksheets so the next one is in the leftmost position and import to the next map layer.

Rinse and repeat.

reposition sheet tab position