Google-sheets – How to create a more accurate calculation of months with Google spreadsheets

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-dates

I'm using this formula =DATEDIF(B2; C2; "M") on Googles spreadsheet to calculate months.

I expected when entering a begindate B2 22-4-2013 and enddate C2 31-8-2014 to get an exact result: 16,3397.

Unexpected result is only full months 16.

Best Answer

You asked for

"a more accurate calculation of months with google spreadsheets?".

Also in my question on how you came up with the number 16,3397 you said

according to the program there are 30,41671512 days in a month and 497 days in this period

So this is the formula you should be using


You can also use


We use C2+1 to also count the last day as well.
The way Google counts, it does not take in account the last day.

enter image description here