Google-sheets – How to do, If checkbox is checked it will uncheck the other checkbox

google sheets

I have three columns:

  1. Task (text)
  2. Assigned (checkbox 1)
  3. Done (checkbox 2)

I want to create a ticket task sheet. If task is in progress, check checkbox 1 and task cell will turn yellow. I'm able to make this work.

But what I can't get it to work is:
If task is completed, check checkbox 2, and will automatically unchecked checkbox 1, also, will change task color to green instead of yellow. I tried to use IF, SUBSTITUTE, or REPLACE but don't know how to get it to work.

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Best Answer

switch can do the same job.


Tests an expression against a list of cases and returns the corresponding value of the first matching case, with an optional default value if nothing else is met.
SWITCH(expression; case1; value1; [case2_or_default; …]; [value2; …])