Google-sheets – How to Exclude Vacation Weeks From A Week Number Count

google sheets

I am creating a Google Sheet for teachers that automatically fills in the week number beginning with the first week of school in early Sept. and continuing to the last week of school in mid June. I am currently using WEEKNUM, which is working well, but I am anticipating that this will become inaccurate after vacation weeks. I want to exclude these vacation weeks from the count, but WEEKNUM will include them.

Best Answer

See testSheet

You can put Week count start date in cell B1. Then you can specify vacation start and end.

Idea is to calculate weeks omitting vacations.

For that purpose we use NETWORKDAYS.INTL() formula and since it will return working days we wrap it with QUOTIENT() formula with divisor of 5.

NETWORKDAYS.INTL counts days between dates and excludes holidays, so here comes vacation start and end.

We use SEQUENCE() formula to generate dates based on vacation start and end. You may add more vacations adding start and end dates and adding SEQUENCE() formula to array {}.
