Google Sheets – How to Extrapolate Data

google sheets

Given a set of values such as: 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 I would like to "estimate" that the next values will be: 20, 22, 24 and so on. I realize there are several different ways to extrapolate, and they will give different results. I'm assuming though that the number of options will be rather limited, so I'm not too picky about which method to use.

Best Answer

There are two ways I can think of:


With the following function, one can retrieve the linear regression coefficients of two sets of data:

LINEST(y-axis,x-axis) ==> y=ax+b

The second set of data is the accompanying x-axis. This can be a normal numbering, as shown in the first sheet of the example file.

Once the regression factors are known, one can extrapolate any unknown x or y beyond the known set of data:

  • known x: ax+b
  • known y: (-b+y)/a

Since R2=1, the numbers given are exact values. I formatted the values to be rounded in the example, because the calculation shows floating point errors.


Google has a way of predicting the outcome of a series, based on that series. If you drag the series like shown in the screenshot, then the outcome will appear automatically: enter image description here
enter image description here


I've created an example file for you: Extrapolate
A more practical example:


The regression method will give you always a value, based on the factors. The more un-linear the sets of data are (R2<1), the more predicted they are.