Google Sheets – How to Automatically Fill Columns When Adding a New Row

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformula

Been trying this for a few hours, trying to fill down column F G H automatically when a new row is added (my data is on another sheet that's coming in from forms)

Any tips or hints how to get it to fill?

Best Answer

To accomplish this you just need to use an arrayformula:

={"Product ID";arrayformula(if(D2:D="","",right(D2:D,4)))}

A word of caution, always delete excess rows in your spreadsheet, in your example you are only using 10 rows of data but your spreadsheet has 1,000 rows, make sure to delete those excess rows so you only have the amount of rows you actually need as using an arrayformula like this will have to calculate every row even though it assigns the rest blank.