How to Filter Google Sheets Table for Last 90 Days of Entries

google sheets

I have a spreadsheet I update daily that's grown to be ~1700 rows. I reset it every year, but I don't really need to see more than the last 90 days of entries.

I can't use FILTER(), as I still need to make entries and edits to the list, so I'm trying to work with filter view, but the "custom formula" field just doesn't seem to accept any functions.

I've tried "=(Today()-90)" to no avail. The only option that seems to work is to pick a specific date, only I'll have to change this date every so often as the filter grows too large.

Is there really not a way to auto-filter dates based on how far they are from TODAY()?

Best Answer

In your filter, choose "Custom formula is" (bottom of the dropdown list) and enter this formula:

=A2>=TODAY()-90 (replacing A2 with the first data cell in your date column)

Click "OK."

Works similar to conditional formatting rules.