How to Find Corresponding Cells in Row Based on Lookup in Google Sheets

google sheets

I have 5 rows with 10 columns. Below this 5×10 grid, I populate a cell with a value that is listed in column 1 of the grid. "ABC" for example.

If "ABC" is row 3, column 1, I want to them get the values in row 3, columns 4, 5, 6. Those three values will go into cells just above or below the "ABC" cell that is below the grid.

The value where "ABC" is will change, as I get info from different rows, but will always correspond to a value in column 1 of the 5×10 grid. Any ideas on how to do this?

Best Answer

In Test Sheet A10 is your "ABC" cell and below find the formula that returns Values from columns 4,5,6 (or any other - just add)

"select Col4, Col5, Col6 
where Col1 ='"&A10&"'",0),"no data")