Google-sheets – How to find the address of last non-blank cell in a row (while skipping columns)

formulasgoogle sheets

Basically, I need to do what the title says on my spreadsheet here. So for row 3, I need to find the address of the last non-blank cell in that row, while skipping the grayed out columns (with the header "Total").

enter image description here

Best Answer

If your data is in columns A:J (i.e., 1 to 10), and columns to be ignored are C and F (3 and 6), then for row 2 you would use



  1. ADDRESS builds the address, taking the row number (known here) and the column number (what you mean to get).

  2. SUMPRODUCT(MAX((A2:J2<>"")*(COLUMN(A2:J2)) ... )) picks the maximum column number for non-blank cells.

  3. ... *(1-(COLUMN(A2:J2)=3))*(1-(COLUMN(A2:J2)=6)) makes the formula ignore specific columns (3 and 6 here). You should add other similar factors if needed.

Copy the formula downwards. Note that you might need to use some absolute references.

This also works


Adapted from related answers