Google Sheets – Copy Formula to All Cells Below and Increment by X

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformula

If in Cell A2 I have the formula,


how do I get it copied to all the cells below in the entire column (e.g. 900'000 cells) instead of manually dragging it down to eternity?

Best Answer

You can do that using the following arrayformula in cell E2:


enter image description here

How the formula works:

First of all you need to make sure you place it in the correct row. That is if your range starts at the second row (like E2-E) row you place it in the second row. As you notice in the given formula the column is A. That is to show you that the column makes no difference. It could be any column. It is the row that is important.

Then we fix the step which is one above the one we want. In this case in order to have 8 repetitions, we divide by 9.

Finally, we can control the starting number by adding a number in the last part of the formula.In this case we start from zero so we add nothing.
But in columns B and C we start from 1 and 2 so we use:

in column B


and in column C


Functions used: