How to Group Data by Month in Google Sheets

google sheetspivot table

I have a Google Sheet which contains various metrics for each day. Each day has it's own row:

day        | cost | impressions | clicks | conversions
2014-02-01 | $45  | 3,540       | 80     | 5
2014-02-02 | $49  | 3,700       | 88     | 7
2014-02-03 | $42  | 3,440       | 79     | 7
2014-02-04 | $51  | 3,940       | 91     | 10

I want to pivot the table and summarize the cost, impressions, clicks and conversion columns by month (not by day) like this:

Month        | Sum of cost | Sum of impressions | Sum of clicks | Sum of conversions
February     | $187        | 14620              | 338           | 29

In Excel I just used the Group by function, but I see it's not available in Google Sheets.

Best Answer

Using the Data->Pivot table report... offers exactly what you are asking for. It might be possible that you have to use the "New Google Sheets".
I use that as a default setting and it was easy to achieve what you wanted, similar as in Excel.

Here in my answer I explain how to enable the new spreadsheets.

It seems I did not completly understand the problem.

First we need to have the month. For that add a new column to extract the date using =MONTH(DATE_COLUMN).

enter image description here

Then create a Pivot report:

enter image description here