Google Sheets Conditional Formatting – Highlighting Entire Row Using COUNTIFS

conditional formattingformulasgoogle sheets

For the range C2:Z100 we apply the following formula to find duplicate students' enrollments using conditional formatting:

=COUNTIFS($C:$C,C2 , $D:$D,D2)>1

(where column C is the last name and D is the first name e.g. John Smith)

Unfortunately, we only get single duplicate cells in column C highlighted.

But… We want to have the entire row highlighted.

We have tried different variations and suggestions from the site as here and here or here (as well as many others). Nothing seems to work for the entire row. Also tried with COUNTIF , =AND (COUNTIFS($C:$C,C2 , $D:$D, D2)>1), COUNTA.No luck.

On the other hand this formula =$B2="G" highlights an entire row

What do we do wrong?


This is a link to a demo sheet as requested

Best Answer

Conditional formatting is based on the single reference which is then multiplied on a given range. To assure reference is single you need to lock it down with $ symbol. In this particular case, you need to lock columns because conditions are static column-wise and keep them dynamic row-wise. Therefore:

US syntax: =COUNTIFS($C:$C, $C2, $D:$D, $D2)>1
EU syntax: =COUNTIFS($C:$C; $C2; $D:$D; $D2)>1