Google-sheets – How to import data from one Google spreadsheet to another

formulasgoogle sheetsimportrange

I need to import a range of data from one Google spreadsheet to another but I keep getting the error:
"Cannot find range or sheet for imported range using this formula"

=IMPORTRANGE("","Retail Sales!G9:G39")

Best Answer

The issue to your question has nothing to do with the IMPORTRANGE function.

It is about your reference to the sheet.
You need to enclose the name of the sheet in single quotes, because the name of the sheet itself has a blank space between the words.

As from the official help site on "Get data from other sheets in your spreadsheet":

If a sheet name contains spaces or other non-alphanumeric symbols, include single quotes around it

In your case use 'Retail Sales'!G9:G39 and surround this with double quotes.

=IMPORTRANGE("","'Retail Sales'!G9:G39")

You can also read more about IMPORTRANGE