Google-sheets – How to import rows from one mastersheet to another sheet where row has value “test”

filtergoogle sheetsimportrange

Mastersheet name: Recherche. Sheet name where the data has to be copied to: Leads. Mastersheet has data filled from Column A4 to Column M4 (both going down to 1,000 rows), looking like this:


#| Column A |Column B |Column C |........ |........ |........ |Column M      |
1| value    | value   | value   | value   | value   | value   | value        |
2| value    | value   | value   | value   | value   | value   | "In Overleg" |
3| value    | value   | value   | value   | value   | value   | value        |

If a cell in Column M consists of the value: In Overleg then I want the entire row (to which that specific cell belongs) to be copied to the other sheet.

Other sheet should look like:

#| Column A |Column B |Column C |........ |........ |........ |Column M      |
1| value    | value   | value   | value   | value   | value   | "In Overleg" |

I have tried the following:

=filter(importrange("*my_spreadsheet-key*","Recherche!A1:A1000"),importrange("*my_spreadsheet-key*","Recherche!M4:M1000")="In Overleg")

but it errors with:

Error No matches found in the evaluation of FILTER.

How can I do this?

Best Answer

I tried the below and it worked!

=FILTER( Recherche!A4:K , Recherche!M4:M1002 = "In Overleg" )

Now each and single row where column M has the value "In Overleg" will be copied to the other sheet.