Google-sheets – How to include multiple IF statements with different data validations

formulasgoogle sheets

I'm currently stuck trying to script a formula to populate a total value cell the factors in two different data validation columns (below):

enter image description here

The first column is to deduct a certain value per hour, the second multiply the value per hour both pending the variable selected.

For the first column the script works fine,

=IF(B6="senior",AL6*1,IF(B6="19 Y/O",AL6-4.21*AK6,
 IF(B6="18 Y/O",AL6-6.32*AK6, IF(B6="17 Y/O",AL6-8.42*AK6, IF(B6="<16 Y/O",AL6-10.53*AK6)))))

and likewise for the second:

=IF(C6="Part Time",AL6*1,IF(C6="Casual",AL6*1.25, IF(C6="Full Time",AL6*1,
 IF(C6="Duty Manager", AL6*1.125, IF(C6="Supervisor",AL6*1.039, IF(C6="Salary",AL6*1,))))))

However, I can't get them to work in tandem/the same line to populate a singular cell with both. Am I overlooking something simple?

(for further reference)

Best Answer

=IF(C6="Part Time",    AL6*1,
 IF(C6="Casual",       AL6*1.25,
 IF(C6="Full Time",    AL6*1,
 IF(C6="Duty Manager", AL6*1.125,
 IF(C6="Supervisor",   AL6*1.039,
 IF(C6="Salary",       AL6*1,))))))-
 IF(B6="senior",       AL6*1,
 IF(B6="19 Y/O",       AL6-4.21*AK6,
 IF(B6="18 Y/O",       AL6-6.32*AK6,
 IF(B6="17 Y/O",       AL6-8.42*AK6,
 IF(B6="<16 Y/O",      AL6-10.53*AK6)))))