Google-sheets – How to insert a named-range of spreadsheet cells into Google Slides

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Google Slides has the ability to insert a chart object (Google-sheets). This instance in the slide can be dynamically updated each time the source-chart is changed. Chart insertion is performed by navigating: Google-Slides => Insert => Chart => From Sheets.

Likewise, the goal is to embed a named-range of Google Sheets cells and embed it into a Google Slides presentation. Is it possible to somehow alias the named-range as a chart so that it can be pulled in via the same mechanism and updated when?

Best Answer

Name a range
Open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
Select the cells you want to name.
Click Data > Named ranges. A menu will open on the right.
Type the range name you want.
To change the range, click Spreadsheet.
Select a range in the spreadsheet or type the new range into the text box, then
click Ok.
Click Done.