Google Sheets – Left Align Dollar Symbol and Right Align Number

customizationformattinggoogle sheetstext formatting

I selected format -> number -> more formats -> custom number format:


How can prepend spaces between the $ symbol and the digits? Pad with spaces. So that the dollar sign is always on the left and the numbers on the right with the cell filled.

The distinction being that I want dollars and not British pounds, and only want to display whole numbers, not pennies.

Can't get the sequence down of which to apply first as those options seem to wipe each other out.

Update: by clicking Decrease Decimal Places I have the British Pound, but with no decimal places and the currency symbol left aligned.

How do I change that to the dollar symbol?

Best Answer

You can align your dollar amounts like that by selecting the Accounting format.

enter image description here

  • Select Format on the menu
  • Select Number
  • Select Accounting