How to Lock/Protect Cells in Google Sheets

google sheets

I created very simple spreadsheet application in Google Spreadsheet for my mom. But I really need to lock/protect the cell with formulas so she cannot edit them. Every time I told her to try new versions she overwritten the formulas.

Any idea how to approach that from technical point of view?

I searched the net and it seems to me that it is not doable right now in Google Apps.

Best Answer

It is not currently possible to lock a given cell. However, you can create new sheets in the spreadsheet and lock those. If you really want to prevent her from changing the formulas, you could have all of the results/formulas be in a second sheet, referring to the first sheet's data, then lock the second sheet so it would be read-only to her.

In order to reference data from one sheet in another, use the syntax sheetname!range. For example, to take the average of sheet1's column A in rows 2 through 10, you would use Average(sheet1!A2:A10).

To add sheets, use the + sign on the bottom right side of the spreadsheet. You can switch between and rename sheets using the tabs and dropdown arrows on the lower left side of the spreadsheet.

google docs screenshot