Google Sheets – How to Make Graphs Relative

google sheets

I have a simple graph in Google Spreadsheet just showing weights from different dates. The problem I have is that the graph is starting from 0, giving it a lot of dead space. I want it to be relative to the weights available.

In the thumbnail (before editing a spreadsheet), the graph is correct, but inside the document it's wrong.


enter image description here

What I want:

enter image description here

How can I make the graph relative insetead of starting from 0?

Best Answer

Relative ranging is simply not a feature Sheets charts. (At least not with the new Material theme and GUI?). If this is a real problem for you, you may choose Report a Problem from the Sheets Help menu—Google says they welcome feedback.

Oherwise, Chart editor → Customize → Vertical axis → Min: 62 , Max: 63.8

Or perhaps base the chart on a new column with each of column B's values' difference from the minimum. E.g. in C2 enter: