Google-sheets – How to make the ISBLANK function work

formulasgoogle sheets

How do I insert a ISBLANK function in this formula?

=(IF(D21-T21<=S25, "TIMES-UP", (D21-T21)))

If cell D is blank then cell E is blank if not, then the formula above will be executed. Also, I want this function to be present on all cells on E column.

This function is not working:

=(IF(ISBLANK(D:D)=TRUE;"Blank cell"; (D21-T21<=S25, "TIMES-UP", (D21-T21))))

Best Answer


=IF(ISBLANK(D21),"Blank cell",IF(D21-T21<=S25, "TIMES-UP", (D21-T21)))

ISBLANK() returns TRUE or FALSE - Doc ref - so there's no need to test for its value.

Side note:

Some locales use a comma (,) as a separator, others use a semicolon (;). Your first example uses a comma; the second uses a semicolon. The answer above uses a comma.