Google Sheets – How to Use ‘Paint Format’ Multiple Times

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-cell-format

In Google Sheets you can select a formatted row, click the "Paint Format" Tool, then click another row to apply the same format. You can drag down to do multiple rows if they are together (say rows 50-60).

Is there a way to do this with non-connected rows?

(ie. rows 50, 62, 89)

I tried to hold CTRL between clicks and it says

"This operation is not supported with multiple selections"

I am also fine with a keystroke option (after formatting the new row, hit something like CTRL+P or whatever to copy the Format of the newly formatted row) something to bypass having to go back up to the icon for another row.

Best Answer

I figured out a way that is almost as good. Early on in Google sheets double clicking the paintbrush icon worked. Why Google removed that I don't know. But while you can't make the paintbrush icon "stick" anymore, what you can do is:

  1. click the cell (or range of cells) whose format you want to copy.
  2. click the paint-format paintbrush icon (to copy format).
  3. click the first cell you want to copy that format to. That cell will receive the copied format.
  4. click the next cell (or range of cells) you want that same format copied to. Use ctrl-click to select multiple non-adjacent cells. Can select non-adjacent cells only if you selected just 1 cell in step 1.
  5. press CTRL-Y (to re-do the paste-format). That cell will receive the same format you originally copied in steps 1/2 above).
  6. Repeat 4/5 above for all cells that you want the format copied to.